Caressing Your Soul – Calm Romantic Piano Music

Peter Breiner introduces a collection of tranquil and serene pieces to provide solace, relief and peace of mind in an oasis of calming music.
Download PDF editions and enjoy these short pieces at the piano.
Delve into the recordings by the composer on the accompanying CD.
See more music by Peter Breiner.
The works in this collection were compiled in response to a direct from Naxos Chairman Klaus Heymann. Frustrated at the quality of the existing crossover solo piano works on the market, Klaus Heymann suggested that I compose and record similar albums of calm and soothing piano compositions which would meld melodic substance with the musical expression so often lacking from the extant market recordings of 'relaxing music'.
I had in fact already been thinking about a similar project, and enthusiastically agreed to the proposal. Recording sessions were duly arranged, featuring mostly original pieces and coupling them with some tranquil and serene classical piano pieces in new arrangements.
Little did we know when we decided to go ahead with this project how necessary and important this kind of music would suddenly become after the pandemic of 2020 hit the planet. Please in general, not only music lovers, try to find some solace, relief and peace of mind in an oasis of calming music, and I have tried my best to provide it.
I hope that these works will provide moments of peace for all those who perform and hear them.
Peter Breiner