Lydia Kakabadse: The Feast of Herod – for Greek bouzouki, violin, cello and double bass
Lydia Kakabadse: The Feast of Herod – for Greek bouzouki, violin, cello and double bass
Lydia Kakabadse: The Feast of Herod – for Greek bouzouki, violin, cello and double bass
Lydia Kakabadse: The Feast of Herod – for Greek bouzouki, violin, cello and double bass
Lydia Kakabadse: The Feast of Herod – for Greek bouzouki, violin, cello and double bass
Lydia Kakabadse: The Feast of Herod – for Greek bouzouki, violin, cello and double bass

Lydia Kakabadse: The Feast of Herod – for Greek bouzouki, violin, viola, cello and double bass (NXP156)

Regular price $29.00

This is a sheet music edition of The Feast of Herod by the composer Lydia Kakabadse.

Sheet music for Greek bouzouki, violin, viola, cello and double bass

Score: 12 pages
Greek bouzouki: 2 pages
Violin: 2 pages
Viola: 2 pages
Cello: 2 pages
Double bass: 2 pages

Duration: 4 minutes

Audio samples

Listen to audio samples of The Feast of Herod in the track listing of the album page at Divine Art Recordings.

Preface and programme notes

Completed in August 2023, this piece is scored for Greek bouzouki, violin, viola, cello and double bass. The Feast of Herod depicts a banquet scene, where a veiled dancer performs an exotic dance, followed by dancers of the harem. It is made up of 2 movements, characterized by an emphasis on melody and rhythm, rather than harmony and makes use of variational techniques (ornamentation, melodic/ rhythmic patterns).

The work has been recorded on the Divine Art label and is included in my choral/chamber album “Kefi.”

I. The Veiled Dancer

The 1st movement opens with the bouzouki playing a short bravura solo “ad lib” after which it introduces the main theme over a viola/cello open 5th drone accompaniment. Much use is made of the double harmonic scale of D, where the 2 augmented seconds (E♭ to F# and B♭ to C#) give the scale a strong Middle Eastern flavour, whilst the double bass, playing pizzicato, reinforces the tonality of D. Both the violin and viola introduce variations to the main theme, followed by the bouzouki, which repeats the main theme over a pizzicato rhythm.

II. Dance of the Harem

From the very outset, the double bass, playing pizzicato, establishes a Middle Eastern rhythm known as maqsoum. The violin enters announcing the main theme, accompanied by the viola, cello and double bass, all playing pizzicato. The bouzouki then takes centre stage announcing the 2nd theme, which it repeats a 5th lower, and which is then taken up by the double bass in its higher register. The piece is brought to a pianissimo close following the reappearance of the 1st theme played by the bouzouki.


The Feast of Herod has been recorded on the Divine Art label and is included in my choral/chamber album of the same namesake.

“Her music is melodic, appealing, definitely influenced by Eastern modes, and complex enough to reward repeated hearings. She has a terrific ear for color, and combines instruments in a highly imaginative way.”
– Henry Fogel (Fanfare Magazine)
Lydia Kakadbase writes in an instantly appealing style ... This extremely enjoyable disc of chamber and vocal music is most welcome and ought to make many new friends for her music.”
– Philip Reed, Choir & Organ Magazine Winter 2024

Other editions in this catalogue